Programmer Pickup Line (Flirt) in Indonesian & English

Gombalan gembel ala Programmer yang bisa bikin doi kamu klepek-klepek!

5 min readAug 14, 2018

Heyho! Gue berencana mau nulis encoder & decoder Emoji di Node JS tapi belom niat, jadi ntar aja ya. Gue berencana ngebuat sekumpulan tulisan Programmer Pickup Line atau biasa kita sebut Flirt. Bagi yang punya ide silahkan komen aja langsung ya. Semua yang gue tulis disini dan tidak gue kasih tanda spesial berarti itu pure buatan pikiran gue 😏

Post ini akan langsung diupdate kalo gue udah punya ide buat nambahin bakalan gue update. Oke langsung aja cus ya!

  1. Whenever I go, I would always comeback to you. Do you know why? because you’re my Homestead #ProgrammerFlirts
  2. Are you a HTML? Because you’re the <center></center> of my heart #ProgrammerFlirts
  3. Hey would you be my binary code? Because I’m 0 and I need you to be my only 1 #ProgrammerFlirts
  4. You like a Dart programming language, do you know why? Because you’re always make my heart Flutter #ProgrammerFlirts
  5. You’re an increment, aren’t you? Because your name always looping in my mind #ProgrammerFlirts
  6. You like a mouse, do you know why? Because your smile would make my heart clicked #ProgrammerFlirts
  7. You like a keyboard, do you know why? Because you’re my type #ProgrammerFlirts /** Ever published by someone idk where **/
  8. Apa persamaan kamu sama Node JS? sama-sama bikin detak hatiku Express kalo lagi ngeliat senyum kamu #ProgrammerFlirts
  9. What’s the different between u and ruby? Ruby could be on rails, but you could be mine 💙 #ProgrammerFlirts
  10. Are you a RESTful API? because you GET my attention, PUT some love, POST the cutest smile, and DELETE my bad day💙 #ProgrammerFlirts
  11. How to say I love you forever with programmer style, “My love for you like an endless loop” #ProgrammerFlirts
  12. Apa bedanya kamu sama web desainer? kalo web desainer ngisi code editor pake html kalo kamu ngisi hari-hari aku pake senyum kamu #ProgrammerFlirts
  13. Hey girl, you like a Boolean. Do you know why? because you’re my TRUE love 😳 #ProgrammerFlirts
  14. Are you a framework? Because your smile are sweet like a Cake to my PHP program 😳 #ProgrammerFlirts
  15. Are you a linux? because you’re the root access of my heart 😳 #ProgrammerFlirts
  16. Do you know why Android starts from A? Because I’m not the founder. If I’m the founder, it started from U 😍 #ProgrammerFlirts
  17. Are you a Java? Because you make my heart peace like a Spring 😝 #ProgrammerFlirts
  18. Did you ever try to coding? Because your smile bite my heart like a Python 😊 #ProgrammerFlirts
  19. Are your mom is a programmer? Because your beautifulness are inherited from her 😋 #ProgrammerFlirts
  20. Are your dad is a programmer? Because I need administrator access to make you as my only one ❤ #ProgrammerFlirts
  21. 👸 : How much do you love me?
    🤴 : Definitely bigger than Node Modules
  22. Are you a iOS user? Because you’re the apple to my pie 😝 #ProgrammerFlirts
  23. 🤴 : I can’t focus when learning “Angular
    👸 : Why?
    🤴 : Because there are U between these words. It makes me remind of you.
  24. Are you a code pattern-design? Because you’re the MVC (My loVely Crush) 💙 #ProgrammerFlirts
  25. What’s the different between QA and you? QA give some revision and makes programmer mad. But you give a cute smile and make my heart flutter #ProgrammerFlirts
  26. If your heart were a Github Repository, may you let me to pull it to my heart? #ProgrammerFlirts
  27. What’s the different between me and Google? at least Google doesn’t know that you had the cutest smile 💙 #ProgrammerFlirts
  28. What’s the different between you and semicolon? Programmer sometimes missing semicolon, but me always missing you 💙 #ProgrammerFlirts
  29. You’re like a snippet code? Because it automatically complete my heart! 💙 #ProgrammerFlirts
  30. Are you a programming language? Because your smile are shining like Ruby 💎 #ProgrammerFlirts
  31. Are you a Javascript? Because your name always callback in my heart #ProgrammerFlirts
  32. Are you a semicolon (;)? Because I’d like to miss you #ProgrammerFlirts
  33. Are you a linux? Because you have the sudo access of my heart💙 #ProgrammerFlirts
  34. If my heart were a repository, I’ll let any pull request from you #ProgrammerFlirts
  35. If our heart were a branch in same repository, may I merge the love from your heart into my heart? #ProgrammerFlirts
  36. Apa bedanya kamu sama database? kalo database itu MySQL, kalo kamu itu MyOnlyOne💙😋 #ProgrammerFlirts
  37. 👦: Do you know any pattern design?
    👩: MVC (ModelViewController)?
    👦: What else?
    👩: idk… what?
    👦: ILYSM (I Love You So Much). #ProgrammerFlirts
  38. I’d love to look at your smile. Because it’s the best Vue. 😘 #ProgrammerFlirts
  39. Are you a facebook developer? Because my heart never stop to React when I look at your smile. #ProgrammerFlirts
  40. Are you an exception? Because you’d catch me through your smile 💙 #ProgrammerFlirts
  41. Are you a Socket? Cause I’m feeling the realtime connection between our heart😉 #ProgrammerFlirts
  42. If you were a function, then you’ll be a protected method. Because you are in my LifeClass #ProgrammerFlirts
  43. 👩: What’s ur favorite script? 👦: touch mylove.txt && sudo nano mylove.txt then I write your name 👩: ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️ #ProgrammerFlirts
  44. 👦: I’d love to call you in algorithm 👩: How do you call me? 👦: YourSmile Regression #ProgrammerFlirts
  45. If your heart is an array, may I push my love to your heart? #ProgrammerFlirts
  46. 👨: I can’t stop loving you 👩: why? 👨: Because it called realtime love 👩: 😳😂 #ProgrammerFlirts
  47. Sometimes, I could missing ; when I code. But I always missing u when I know you’re not beside me anymore #ProgrammerFlirts
  48. Are you a Javascript? Because you’re my favorite callback 😋 #ProgrammerFlirts
  49. When I ‘try’ to leave you, you ‘catch’ me with your sweetest smile. ouch #ProgrammerFlirts
  50. 👨: Open this link 👩: 404 not found. It’s empty? 👨: That’s my heart without you 👩: *blushy* #ProgrammerFlirts
  51. I never think that you’re similar like CSS. Because you’re the !important attribute to my life #ProgrammerFlirts
  52. If your smile was a semicolon it should complete my code. Why? because it already complete my life #ProgrammerFlirts
  53. Rose is red, violet is blue. I can’t finish my code because I can’t stop thinking about you #ProgrammerFlirts
  54. What’s the difference between you and html meta tag? meta tag is a part of html head section, but you’re the part of my heart section 😆 #ProgrammerFlirts
  55. Are you an Android Studio? Because you set the click listener to my heart #ProgrammerFlirts
  56. Are you a web developer? Because you’re the of my heart 😆 #ProgrammerFlirts




Written by Hudya

Which is more difficult, coding or counting? Not both of them, the difficult one is sharing your knowledge to people without asking the payment.

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